Who Should Attend

Any person who is involved in training, facilitating, coaching, on-the-job training, and prospective and approved IACET providers.


  • Accredited Continuing Education Units (CEU’s)
  • Completed competency assessment by Master Educators
  • Registered professional number for industry recognition
  • Meets ISO and API standard requirements around training & competency
  • Recognized by universities and professional organizations around the globe that accept IACET Accreditation
  • One-on-One Instruction

Register Online  | Brochure

This course was designed to qualify individuals to effectively design and lead accredited training courses and programs.  The objective of the training is to provide participants with sufficient understanding, knowledge, and skills needed to successfully deploy, and execute highly effective training programs in which they are providing instruction.  The program utilizes the latest teaching methodologies, practices, and techniques as well as practical application in this course to ensure training providers leave with the required knowledge and practical application skills to ensure they are utilizing effective training techniques, meeting the ANSI/IACET 1-2013 Standard for Continuing Education and Training Accreditation requirements.

​​Course Credentials​​

Course Dates

  • ​ Houston, TX-US (March 23-27)
  • ​ Houston, TX-US (June 8-12)
  • ​ Houston, TX-US (Sept. 7-11)

*Dates and location subject to change based on enrollment numbers.

Summary of Course Curriculum

  • Module 1 : General Requirements
  • ​Module 2 : Learning Methodology
  • ​Module 3 : Learning to Teach
  • Module 4 : The Facilitator
  • ​Module 5 : Course Development
  • ​Module 6 : Conclusion

Upon completion, you will receive a certification with a unique registration number issued by Wollam Groups, LLC and be listed in the Industry Registered Professional Network™. 

Duration - 5 Days, 4.0 CEUs


Please email us at info@wollamgroups.com for your interested course.