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This course provides participants with an in-depth understanding, knowledge, and skills needed to carry out successful internal & external audits for all industry segments. The latest methodologies, practices, and techniques are utilized including practical application.

This course utilizes the latest training methodologies and uses a combination of lecture and group auditing to ensure each participant is able to organize & lead an audit, evaluate objective evidence, write effective findings and evaluate corrective actions to close out audits.

This course is accredited by the International Association of Continuing Education & Training (Accredited Provider Certification ref: IACET-5615750) and satisfies the formal training requirements for individuals seeking accredited Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Upon successful completion, participant will receive their Registered Professional Number (RPN™) and leather-bound credentials issued by Wollam Groups.


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Course Dates

  • ​Houston, TX-US (July 25-26)
  • ​Houston, TX-US (Oct. 21-22)

Auditor Essentials - 2 Days, 1.5 CEUs